In preparation
Submitted and in review
Peer-reviewed articles
- Brewer, M.S. & C.N. Balakrishnan. (in prep). COATS: Creating Orthologous Alignments from Transcriptome Sequences, software for phylogenetics and population genomics.
- Brewer, M.S., P.E. Moler, C.T. Magsig***, E.M. Scott***, & T. Lamb. (in prep). A return to monotypy: deconstructing species boundaries in the endemic Floridian beetle genus Peltotrupes (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae).
- Cole, T.J., Zobel-Thropp, P.A., G.J. Binford, R.G. Gillespie, & M.S. Brewer. (in prep). The evolution of venom proteins in the spiders with emphasis on an adaptive radiation of Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiders (Araneae: Tetragnathidae).
- Scott***, E.M., A.A. Patel***, F.A. Issa, & Brewer, M.S. (in prep). Social hierarchy associated differential expression in brain tissue of the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii).
- Esposito, L.A., M.S. Brewer, & R.G. Gillespie. (in prep). Comparative venomics of Centruroides scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones: Buthidae).
Submitted and in review
- Scott, E., M.S. Brewer, A. Peralta, & F. Issa (in review). The effects of social experience on host gut microbiome in male zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Peer-reviewed articles
- Cole T.J. & M.S. Brewer. (2023). Killer Knots: Molecular evolution of Inhibitor Cystine Knot toxins in wandering spiders (Araneae: Ctenidae). Toxins, 15(2): 112.
- Cohen C.M., Noble K., Cole T.J., Brewer M.S. (2021). The phylogeny of robber flies (Asilidae) inferred from ultraconserved elements. Systematic Entomology, 46(4): 812-26.
- Berger, C.A., M.S. Brewer, N. Kono, H. Nakamura, K. Arakawa, S.R. Kennedy, H.M. Wood, S.A. Adams, & R.G. Gillespie. (2021). Shifts in morphology, gene expression, and selection underlie web loss in Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiders. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21(48): 1-17.
- Davis Armstrong N.M., Chen W.M., Hsu F.C., Brewer M.S., Cullell N., Fernández-Cadenas I., Williams S.R., Sale M.M., Worrall B.B., Keene K.L. (2021). DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent stroke in the Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention (VISP) clinical trial. PLoS ONE, 16(7): e0254562.
- Davis Armstrong N.M., Spragley K.J.***, Chen W.M., Hsu F.C., Brewer M.S., Horn P.J., Williams S.R., Sale M.M., Worrall B.B., Keene K.L. (2021). Multi-omic analysis of stroke recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention (VISP) clinical trial. PLoS ONE, 16(3): e0247257.
- Cohen, C.M., T.J. Cole, & M.S. Brewer. (2020). Pick your poison: molecular evolution of venom proteins in Asilidae (Insecta: Diptera). Toxins, 12(12): 738.
- Garrison, N.L., M.S. Brewer, & J.E. Bond. (2020). Shifting evolutionary sands: transcritpome characterization of the Aptostichus atomarius species complex. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 20(1): 1-12.
- Wong, V.L., D.A. Hennen, A.M. Macias, M.S. Brewer, M.T. Kasson, & P Marek. (2020). Natural history of the social millipede Brachycybe lecontii Wood, 1864. Biodiversity Data Journal, 8.
- Goodman, K.R., S. Prost, K. Bi, M.S. Brewer, & R.G. Gillespie. (2019). Host and geography together drive early adaptive radiation of Hawaiian planthoppers. Molecular Ecology, 28(19): 4513-4528.
- Macias, A.M., P.E. Marek, E.M. Morrissey, M.S. Brewer, D.P. Short, C.M. Stauder, K.L. Wickert, M.C. Berger, A.M. Metheny, J.E. Stajich, G. Boyce, & M.T. Kasson. (2019). Diversity and function of fungi associated with the fungivorous millipede, Brachycybe lecontii. Fungal Diversity, 41:187-197.
- Van Dam, M.H., A.J. Rominger, & M.S. Brewer. (2019). Environmental niche trackers and nice adapters revealed through fine scale phenological niche modeling. Journal of Biogeography, 46(10): 2275-2288.
- Cole, T.J. & M.S. Brewer. (2019). TOXIFY: a deep learning approach to classify animal venom proteins. PEERJ, 7:e7200.
- Davis, N.M., W.M. Chen, M.S. Brewer, S.R. Williams, M.M. Sale, B.B. Worrall, & K.L. Keene. (2018). Epigenome-Wide Analyses Identify Two Novel Associations With Recurrent Stroke in the Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention Clinical Trial. Frontiers in Genetics, 9: 358.
- Cotoras, D.D., K. Bi, M.S. Brewer, D.R. Lindberg, S. Prost, & R.G. Gillespie. (2018). Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early phase of adaptive radiation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18(1), 100.
- Zobel-Thropp, P.A., E.A. Bulger***, M.H.J. Coredes, G.J. Binford, R.G. Gillespie, & M.S. Brewer. (2018). Sexually dimorphic venom proteins in long-jawed orb-weaving spiders (Tetragnatha) with potential roles in sexual interactions. PEERJ, 6: e4691.
- Lamb, T., T.C. Justice, M.S. Brewer, P.E. Moler, H. Hopkins, & J.E. Bond. (2018). A biogeographic profile of the sand cockroach Arenivaga floridensis and its bearing on origin hypotheses for Florida scrub biota. Ecology and Evolution, 8(11): 5254-5266.
- Gillespie, R.G., S.P. Benjamin, M.S. Brewer, M.A.J. Rivera, & G.K. Roderick. (2018). Repeated diversification of ecomorphs in Hawaiian stick spiders. Current Biology, 28(6): 941-947.
- Rodriguez, J, T.H. Jones, P. Sierwald, P.E. Marek, W.A. Shear, M.S. Brewer, K.M. Kocot, & J.E. Bond. (2018). Step-wise evolution of complex chemical defenses in millipedes: a phylogenomic approach. Scientific Reports, 8(1): 3209.
- Cole, T.J. & M.S. Brewer. (2018). FUSTr: a tool to find gene Families Under Selection in Transcriptomes. PEERJ, 6: e4234.
- Gillespie, R.G., M.S. Brewer, & G.K. Roderick. (2017). Ancient biogeography of generalist predators on remote oceanic islands. Journal of Biogeography, 44(5): 1098-1109.
- Claridge, E.M., R.G. Gillespie, M.S. Brewer, & G.K. Roderick. (2017). Stepping-stones across space and time: repeated radiation of Pacific flightless broad-nosed weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Rhyncogonus). Journal of Biogeography, 44(4): 784-796.
- Liu, D., M.S. Brewer, S. Chen, W. Hong, & Y. Zhu. (2017). Transcriptomic signatures for ovulation in vertebrates. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 247: 74-86.
- Cotoras, D.D., M.S. Brewer, P.J.P. Croucher, G.S. Oxford, D.R. Lindberg, & R.G. Gillespie (2017). Convergent evolution in the colour polymorphism of Selkirkiella spiders (Theridiidae) from the South American temperate rainforest. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 120(3): 649-663.
- Tuttle, E.M., A.O. Bergland, M.L. Korody, M.S. Brewer, D.J. Newhouse, P. Minx, M. Stager, A. Betuel, Z.A. Cheviron, W.C. Warren, R.A. Gonser, & C.N. Balakrishnan. (2016). Divergence and functional degradation of a sex chromosome-like supergene. Current Biology, 26(3): 344-350.
- Rominger, A.J., K.R. Goodman, J.Y. Lim, ***E.E. Armstrong, L.E. Becking, G.M. Bennett, M.S. Brewer, D.D. Cotoras, C.P. Ewing, J. Harte, N.D. Martinez, P.M. O'Grady, D.M. Percy, D.K. Price, G.K. Roderick, K.L. Shaw, F.S. Valdovinos, D.S. Gruner, & R.G. Gillespie. (2015). Community assembly on isolated islands: macroecology meets evolution. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(7): 769-780.
- Brewer, M.S., R.A. Carter, P.J.P. Croucher, & R.G. Gillespie. (2014). Shifting habitats, morphology and selective pressures: developmental polyphenism in an adaptive radiation of Hawaiian spiders. Evolution, 69-1: 162-178.
- ***Yim, K. M.S. Brewer, C.T. Miller, & R.G. Gillespie. (2014). Comparative transcriptome analysis of maturity-associated color change in Hawaiian spiders. Journal of Heredity, 105(Special Issue): 771-781.
- Brewer, M.S., D.D. Cotoras, P.J.P. Croucher, & R.G. Gillespie. (2014). New sequencing technologies, the development of genomics tools, and their applications in evolutionary arachnology. Journal of Arachnology, 42: 1-5.
- Hamilton, C.A., B.E. Hendrixson, M.S. Brewer, & J.E. Bond. (2014). An evaluation of sampling effects on multiple DNA barcoding methods leads to an integrative approach for delimiting species: a case study in the North American tarantula genus Aphonopelma (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Theraphosidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 71: 79-93.
- Croucher, P.J.P., M.S. Brewer, G.S. Oxford, & R.G. Gillespie. (2013). De novo characterization of the gene-rich transcriptomes of two color-polymorphic spiders, Theridion grallator and Theridion californicum (Araneae: Theridiidae), with special reference to pigment genes. BMC Genomics, 14:862.
- Brewer, M.S. & J.E. Bond. (2013). Ordinal-level phylogenomics of the arthropod class Diplopoda (millipedes) based on an analysis of 221 nuclear protein-coding loci generated using next-generation sequence analyses. PLoS ONE, 8(11): e79935.
- Brewer, M.S. & G.E. Gardner. (2013). Teaching Hardy-Weinberg population genetics and introducing students to evolution: a real-time, active learning exercise using classroom response devices. American Biology Teacher, 75(7): 476-479.
- Balakrishnan, C.N., C. Chapus, M.S. Brewer, & D.F. Clayton. (2013). Brain transcriptome of the violet-eared waxbill Uraeginthus granatina and recent evolution in the songbird genome. Open Biology, 3(9).
- Brewer, M.S., L. Swafford, C.L. Spruill, & J.E. Bond. (2013). Arthropod phylogenetics in light of three novel millipede (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) mitochondrial genomes with comments on the appropriateness of mitochondrial genome sequence data when investigating deep relationships. PLoS ONE, 8(7): e68005.
- Brewer, M.S., P. Sierwald, & J.E. Bond. (2012). Millipede taxonomy after 250 years: classification and taxonomic practices in a mega-diverse yet understudied arthropod group. PLoS ONE, 7(5): e37240.
- Brewer, M.S., C.L. Spruill, ***N.S. Rao, & J.E. Bond. (2012). Phylogenetics of the millipede genus Brachycybe Wood, 1864 (Diplopoda: Platydesmida: Andrognathidae): patterns of deep evolutionary history and recent speciation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 64: 232-242.
- Brewer, M.S., P. Sierwald, & J.E. Bond. (2011). A generic homonym concerning chordeumatid millipedes (Arthropoda: Diplopoda) and ophellid worms (Annelida: Polycheata). Zootaxa, 2744: 65-68.
- ***Bailey, A.L., M.S. Brewer, B.E. Hendrixson, & J.E. Bond. (2010). Phylogeny and classification of the trapdoor spider genus Myrmekiaphila (Araneae: Cyrtaucheniidae): an integrative approach to evaluating taxonomic hypotheses. PLoS One, 5(9), e12744.
- Fet, V., M.E. Soleglad, M.S. Brewer, D.P.A. Neff & M.L. Norton. (2006). Vestigial serrula in scorpion genera Paravaejovis, Paruroctonus, Smeringurus and Vejovoidus (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae). Euscorpius, 49, pp. 1–20.
- Fet, V., M.E. Soleglad & M.S. Brewer. (2006). Laterobasal aculear serrations (LAS) in scorpion family Vaejovidae (Scorpiones: Chactoidea). Euscorpius, 45, pp. 1–19.
- Fet, V., M.E. Soleglad, M.S. Brewer, D.P.A. Neff & M.L. Norton. (2006). Constellation array in scorpion genera Paruroctonus, Smeringurus, Vejovoidus, and Paravaejovis (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae). Euscorpius, 41, pp. 1–15.
- Fet, V., M.S. Brewer, M. E. Soleglad & D.P.A. Neff. (2006). Constellation array: a new sensory structure in scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 38: 269–278.